Source code for nyuki.geotiff_info

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Console script for Raster information tool"""
import sys
import os
import click
import numpy as np
import rasterio
from rasterio import Affine, MemoryFile
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from osgeo import gdal
import geopandas as gpd
from .utilities import get_file_type

@click.option('--sourcefile', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True,
              prompt="Enter the path and filename of the source file",
              help="Path to the original GEOTIFF raster image")
def info(sourcefile):
    """Raster metadata and information tool.

    This tool provides metadata about a raster image, including the file's
    coordinate project, resolution, pixel size, number of bands, data types,
    etc. The tool provides the same information found in `gdalinfo` but in
    a friendlier form for reading.

    Commandline app:\n
    >>> geotiff_info --sourcetiff file1.tif

    Invoke interactive mode:\n
    >>> geotiff_info

    return 0

[docs]def information(sourcefile): if get_file_type(sourcefile) == 'raster': r_information(sourcefile) else: v_information(sourcefile)
[docs]def r_information(sourcefile): dat = click.echo(f"\n \t File info for: {sourcefile}: \n") click.echo(f"\t Coordinate projection: {}") click.echo(f"\t File type: {dat.profile['driver']}") click.echo(f"\t File size: {dat.shape}") click.echo(f"\t Pixel Units: {image_units(dat)}") click.echo(f"\t Pixel size: {(round(dat.res[0], 3), round(dat.res[1], 3))}") click.echo(f"\t Number of Bands: {dat.profile['count']}") click.echo(f"\t Data type per band: {dat.dtypes}") click.echo(f"\t Compression: {dat.profile.get('compress', 'Uncompressed')}") click.echo(f"\t Nodata character: {dat.profile['nodata']}")
[docs]def v_information(sourcefile): dat = gpd.read_file(sourcefile) click.echo(f"\n \t File info for: {sourcefile}: \n") click.echo(f"\t Coordinate projection: {}")
[docs]def image_units(rasterio_open_image): if == 'unknown': return 'unknown, likely degrees' else: return
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(info()) # pragma: no cover